Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Day One

It's the first day. Weight-146. Days of not smoking-3.

I made a juice out of half a cantaloupe, a quarter of honeydew and about an eight of watermelon. I wasn't expecting that much juice! The melon are perfect right now. Very sweet. I have enough for lunch at work and then I will create some veggie combo when I get home if I am hungry. I have cut out a lot of food the past 2 days in preparation of today. Its also the time of the month where I have a natural lull in my appetite. Im nervous, excited and just ready to get on with it. My supplements should be here tomorrow. I think just one day without them will be ok.

Please pray for those who work around me.

1 comment:

Trish ~CnJ's Mommy~ said...

Ya...Prayers for those around you would of been good. I had to eat the grapes before you tried to juice them ;)

Good luck Devin! I'm sure you can do it!!